Monday, November 17, 2008

Kyle's Dream Comes True

So I went home and got kyle's nascar coat before I went and picked him up at school. I then just told him that we were going to Walmart, smart as he is he asked why we weren't going to the one by our house and I told him that they didn't have what he wanted at that one which could have been true and could of not. When we got close to the walmart that had kyle busch's car I told kyle to close his eyes until I told him to open them. I stood kyle right in front of kyle busch's car and then said open and you will see the look on his face. It was also cool because before they car packed up the car he gave kyle a life size kyle busch stand up to take home. It funny also because not just me but Heidi & Mike and my Mom all told the guy that kyle was coming and that he was a really big fan. Here are the pictures we took.

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