Friday, August 29, 2008
Good Good News
Well for months now, I have been stuck at the same weight. Everyone keeps telling me that it's because I am gaining alot of muscle and that is why I haven't been losing. Well today I stepped on the scale at the gym expecting nothing and to my suprise I saw that I had lost 3 pounds. I was so happy!!! I hope this is another period where I am going to lose another 20 pounds. Way before I started this blog, I had started going to the gym. In the first 3 months I had lost 20 pounds and had gone down 10 pants sizes. I was going to the gym everyday for a hour and a half but I have cut down and just go twice a week in the morning. They have awesome classes in the morning that just kick your butt. I even won 2nd place in the biggest loser contest at my work. I had lost 9.4% of weight and the 1st place winner lost 9.6% of her weight, so I was very close to winning the contest. With my prize money, I bought some awesome nike shoes for working out. Well hopefully I will be blogging again about my awesome weightloss.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Off To School

Today is short and sweet. Today was the big day I have been waiting for. Kyle and Tyler started school today. No more paying the babysitter half my check. Kyle starts 3rd grade and Tyler starts 1st grade. Here are some pictures I took this morning before they headed off to learn. So at 3:00 o'clock I left work and went to pick up the boys from school and as I had thought kyle's teacher was nice and he had just "heard" that she was mean, so that was a relief. Tyler was also happy with his teacher, ms. wilkins. The boys were saying to me that today was a good day for them. Lets hope that continues throughout the year. LOL. No homework for them but I had homework (is there something wrong with that??) LOL.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Found Out
Well I called the boy's school to find out who there teachers are going to be because they still hadn't posted them on the doors of the school. Anyway, Kyle is going to have Ms. Bradshaw (the one he didn't want) he says that she is mean or I think that is just what he has heard. I told him hopefully she won't be mean this year. I think the problem with his teacher last year Ms. Deem was that she didn't challenge Kyle enough so he got bored and ended up getting himself in trouble. Things like, making little noises or talking to his friends etc.... I tell you what though, if Kyle has the sames problems that we had with Ms. Deem I will be switching teachers after the first semester. Well on to Tyler, he is going to get Ms. Wilkins (I wanted him to get her), she was Kyle's 1st grade teacher and she was constantly challenging Kyle and keeping his mind busy on work. I loved her.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Kyle Lost Another One!!!

So I go to pick kyle up from the babysitter's house and he runs to me and shows me that he has finally lost another tooth. It has been loose for weeks now but I am not the kind of mom that will go and pull it out, I let him handle that. Not good seeing blood. Not at all. I am pretty lucky that he is not afraid of blood huh! LOL
Sunday, August 17, 2008
This Might Be It
Well this morning when I went to changed dylan into his clothes, he saw his elmo underwear and wanted to wear them. So far so good, he has even sat on the potty a few times but nothing has happened. Either he is thinking about doing it or just wants to wear the elmo underwear I got him. I guess I will try and see what happens and if he is not ready then we will try again down the road. I will keep you posted on his progress, hopefully it only gets better from here. Well a few hours later I figured out that he just wanted to wear the underwear. Oh well, it was worth a shot. We will try in a few months and hopefully have better luck
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Elizabeth Ashley Ashcraft

My Stepdaughter Ashley was born April 18, 1996. She came into the world at 5:00 p.m. and was 6lbs 12 ozs and 18 inches long. I didn't meet Ashley till she was around 2. She has been the best sister to my boys. She loves to help out with the boys and she was one of my flower girls at my wedding. We don't get to see her much because she lives with her mom but she does come to visit us. Ashley is into sports and loves to listen to music. She is starting 7th grade this year. Here is one of the few pics we have of her when she was younger and one updated one.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
School Dilema
Well I was hoping to get Kyle and Tyler into a different school this year so that I could keep working full time but my hopes were crushed today when the principal wrote back and told me that they had room for tyler but not kyle. Well it wouldn't help my situation with 2 kids going to two different schools so I wrote her back and said thanks for your help but I need my kids to go to the same school. I ended up telling the boys the news in the car on the way home and like I thought they were bummed. The good thing about it is I don't need to worry about registering them now because they are already registered at their old school. Maybe next year????? But for this year I will be going back to working part time. It will be nice to sleep in and get off early but the paycheck will hurt.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Dylan Is Really Starting To Talk

Dylan has been my child that has not been into talking much, he has said a few words here and there but not much. The doctor said not too worry but I did and do. Although, he has now started watching the signing times dvd's and he has been saying a bunch of words since. He wasn't too interested in the dvd's when I got them but now he will sit down and watch them. Some of the new words he can say now are grandpa, apple, home, purple, book, please, cheese, up, shoes. He can say his sister's name and his brother's names and also the babysitter's name. I think he will be starting sentences soon. I know I am moving too fast, I am just so excited that he is saying more words. It is so frustrating when I don't know what he wants but soon it will be a thing of the past. It is so cute to finally hear his voice too, it's so cute. Also, I would like to thank the person for getting me those dvd's and you know who you are. Thanks.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
My Friends Wedding

My friend Mary walked down the isle on 8/8/08 at 8:08 a.m., Is that cool or what! Well the coolest thing for me was the woman that married them was the same woman that married sam and I. I had no idea that she was going to be there. It was cool to see her again. Anita was her name and she was so sweet, before she left she came over and gave me a hug. She is the coolest, so if anyone else wants to use her, just let me know and I will give you her info. Here are some pics I took at the wedding.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
The Boys Meet Kilee

Well we went to see my neice Kilee. Dylan actually held her but from the look on his face, I don't think he liked it or I should say he looked scared. Kyle and Tyler loved holding her. Then it was my turn to hold her and let me say, she loves her aunt susan. LOL. The boys also got to play with their cousins brock and hunter which they have been wanting to do for a long time now. Here are some of the pictures I took while we were there. It even looks like I got her to smile in one. Isn't she so cute in her braclet and bow.
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