Sunday, June 14, 2009

Owen's Family Reunion (mother n law's side)

So it was time for the Owen's Family Reunion. We headed off down to Idaho at about 9 a.m. and got there at about noon. It was a great reunion, it did rain hard a few times but besides that it was fun. On the way home it wasn't much fun though, my father n law, sister n law and nephew were in a roll over accident. We got the call about 15 minutes or so after we crossed the Utah border so we turned around and went to the the hospital in Malad Idaho. My sister n law tracy was thrown from the car but no broken bones, my father n law Lawrence got some staples in his head but again no broken bones and my nephew corey came out ok, just some stratches. All and all they were 3 very lucky people to have come out like they did. I am so grateful to have them in my life.

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