Sunday, April 12, 2009

3 Years Ago Today At 1:55 p.m.

So I knew I was going a week early with Dylan because I sat down with my doctor and told her that I needed too because I had a feeling he was going to be 10 pounds like his brother if I went to term. So I was set to go to the hospital on April 11th 06 but first I had to call and see if they had room for me. We drove down to the hospital in hopes that I would be going in but my dreams were crushed when they told me that they didn't have room and that they were sending me home! So I of course started bawling my eyes out. My husband then took me to Dee's for breakfast to try and cheer me up (ya it didn't but it was sweet of him to try) I mean he did do this to me. LOL. So that day went and the next morning (yep, you guessed it) we were back at the hospital bright and early! I picked up the phone and called my nurse to see if I could go in and to my excitment they told me to come in!!!! I was so happy I started crying yet again. LOL. pregnancy, what a wonderful hormone! So I got settled in my bed and then started the potosin to start labor, ya the only child of mine that came on it's own was Kyle, the rest had to be helped along. LOL. My mom kept coming down to visit while on her breaks(she had taken april 11th off because that was the original date I was suppose to have him) so she had to work the next day but her boss was really nice and let her come down every once and a while to check on me and then when I started pushing then she got to stay. I ended up having dylan at 1:55 p.m. (my first afternoon baby) on April 12th 2006. He came out very fast after I started pushing. He was 9 lbs 9 ozs (which is what I weighed when I was born, neat huh!) had tons of blond hair. Kyle and Tyler came down the day after he was born and loved him from the first minute that they saw him. Ashley came down the day after that and saw yet again a new brother!

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